• Volunteer

    It’s Great To Be Alive – Great to be Canadian

    There is More Good News in the World than Bad Alfredo loved Canada! However, all of the recent criticism, derogatory and negative comments, and misinformation about Canada upset him. These came mainly from opposition politicians, but also from the media…

  • Volunteer

    You May be Richer Than YOU Think

    There is More Good News in the World Than Bad 3:23. Those were the numbers on Hogarth’s alarm clock. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. He opened them again. It was 4:06. His body was…

  • Volunteer

    International Day of Older Persons

    There is More Good News in the World Than Bad October 1st is the International Day of Older Persons. I do not know what age you have to be, to be considered an older person. Many people say age is…

  • Volunteer

    Climate Optimist – Part 2

    There’s More Good News in the World Than Bad In my last blog I shared with you the story of Miranda and Harland who were feeling overwhelmed by all of the negative news regarding climate change. After some research they…

  • Volunteer

    Climate Optimist: Part 1

    There is More Good News in the World Than Bad As was her custom, Miranda turned on the 9 o’clock CBC National News. For over two months the lead story had been about the fires raging in many parts of…

  • Volunteer

    Some Very Good News About Poverty

    THERE IS MORE GOOD NEWS  IN THE WORLD THAN BAD  It was minus 24 degrees on  December 29th, 2004, when Bassie Kargbo arrived in Thunder Bay. Bassie was a refugee from the civil war in Sierra Leone*  Since that time,…

  • Volunteer

    The Good News of a Smile

    There is more Good News in the World than Bad STATE MUTUAL, an American Life Insurance company, had a problem. They had recently purchased several other insurance companies and a huge morale problem had developed as they were trying to…