• Volunteer

    Y2Y: A Good News Reconciliation Story

    THERE IS MORE GOOD NEWS IN THE WORLD THAN BAD As the SUV pulled into the grounds of Zajac Ranch just outside of Mission, B.C., I noticed several groups of young people sitting and chatting in the warm spring sun…

  • Volunteer

    How to be On the Right Side of Indigenous History

    There is More Good News than Bad What does being on the right side of Indigenous History mean? I believe it means participating in the process of bringing reconciliation about. This in turn begs the question, “What is reconciliation?” There…

  • Volunteer

    There is Progress on Reconciliation

    There is More GOOD  News than BAD  In 2015 the Report on Truth and Reconciliation was released after seven years in the making.    https://nctr.ca/records/reports/ The report contained over 6000 interviews and stories from Indigenous peoples, largely about their Residential School…

  • Volunteer

    Canada, Ukrainians and Indigenous Peoples

    There is More Good In the World Than Bad For almost everyone, the news coming out of the Ukraine of late has been terribly disturbing.  We all feel deeply for the Ukrainians and the terrible times they are going through.…

  • Volunteer

    Good News: National Reconciliation Day

    There is More Good in the World Than Bad Rupert slowly lowered the paper to his lap. The headline of the article he had just read screamed, “215 CHILDREN’S GRAVES DISCOVERED AT KAMLOOPS RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL.” The article outlined how Indigenous…

  • Volunteer

    Good News: Indigenous Peoples

    There is more good in the world than bad. World news these past few weeks has been dominated by images of COVID-19, particularly old people in long term care homes, waving to their families or with needles sticking in their…