• Volunteer

    The Good News of a Smile

    There is more Good News in the World than Bad STATE MUTUAL, an American Life Insurance company, had a problem. They had recently purchased several other insurance companies and a huge morale problem had developed as they were trying to…

  • Volunteer

    Vaccines… Not just for COVID

    There is more good in the world than bad Everyone was crying inside the big, poorly lit room in the village of Hope in Burkina Faso.*  Children, who were being vaccinated against a multitude of diseases, were shedding tears of…

  • Volunteer

    Nobel Peace Prize Feeding the Hungry

    There is more good in the world than bad Like all the children in line beside him, Richard* was eagerly awaiting his only meal of the day, a porridge-like serving called ugali. Ugali is tasteless and so stiff a spoon…

  • Volunteer

    Good News and Happenings

    There is More Good in the World Than Bad: COVID 19 Graduations  The past three months had been pretty much of a drag for Emmanuel (known as Manny to his friends).  As a result of COVID he had had little…

  • Volunteer

    Good News and Happenings

    International Women’s Day Over the past 100, 50 and even 10 years, women’s voices, actions and drive towards equality have been seen, heard and felt with increasing regularity and results. While there is still a long way to go, one…